Barcelona Turisme
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About Us
About Us Barcelona is a major retail showcase comprising traditional and modern shops which are part of the city’s unique identity. Together with leading Spanish and world brands, they make Barcelona an internationally renowned shopping city.
The main objectives of the Barcelona Shopping City programme are:
  1. To establish and promote Barcelona as a world-class shopping destination under the name Barcelona Shopping City.

  2. To establish and promote the Barcelona Shopping Line as a unique retail model that provides an uninterrupted combination of architecture, culture, gastronomy and services.

  3. To include groups of retail establishments that provide visitors with distinctive and unique products and services under the Barcelona Unique Shops label.

  4. To promote its member shops, associations and shopping centres in order to channel worldwide demand and improve the provision of services to our customers.

  5. To create and distribute on-line and off-line promotional tools, products and services for professionals and lovers of shopping, such as retail trails, the Shopping Card, experiences, guides, maps, etc.
Contact with Barcelona Shopping City
[+34] 933 689 700
[+34] 933 689 701