Barcelona Turisme
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Arqueoticket Promotional booklet about the multiticket providing admission to Barcelona’s archaeological museums.

Barcelona Bus Turístic
Barcelona Bus Turístic Leaflet-plan of the city featuring the three Bus Turístic routes and a description of the available discounts.
Barcelona Card
Barcelona Card Promotional leaflet issued with the Barcelona visitor card featuring free travel on public transport and discounts and free offers at different visitor attractions and places of interest.
Barcelona Metro Walks
Barcelona Metro Walks Guide featuring seven itineraries that are accessible on Barcelona’s metro network.
Barcelona Walking Tours: Gòtic, Picasso, Modernisme and Gourmet
Barcelona Walking Tours: Gòtic, Picasso, Modernisme and Gourmet Descriptive leaflets about the 4 walking tours led by professional guides.
Barcelona Bus Turístic Nit
Barcelona Bus Turístic Nit Night-time bus tour of the city’s floodlit landmarks.
Catalunya Bus Turístic
Catalunya Bus Turístic One-day trips from Barcelona to landmark towns in Catalonia and some of their attractions.
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[+34] 933 689 700
[+34] 933 680 701