The main objectives of Barcelona Pirineus-Snow and Mountain programme are:
- To provide the Barcelona brand with new attributes, associating it with winter sports and mountaineering activities, bringing added value to the city destination and reaching new segments of the market.
- To extend the sphere of action of tourism in Barcelona to the Pyrenees, by promoting Catalan destinations associated with winter sports and mountaineering activities in the tourist markets where Barcelona has a prominent position.
- To boost economic activity and generate resources in Barcelona and the Pyrenees.
- To promote winter sports and mountaineering and help grow the number of visitors who practise these sports.
- To support and play an active role in the Pirineus-Barcelona 2030 Olympic bid.
- To work with the competent institutions and organisations to promote and attract international winter sports competitions and mountaineering activities.
Advantages of becoming a member
These are some of the advantages of becoming a programme member:
- You will feature in the printed promotional material for the Barcelona Pirineus-Snow and Mountain programme and other informative publications produced by Turisme de Barcelona.
- On-line promotion on Turisme de Barcelona's website and social networks.
- Promotion at trade fairs, presentations and promotions in Spain and around the world.
- Promotions with the travel trade and in the national and international press.
- You will feature in Turisme de Barcelona's newsletters and other platforms for disseminating its activities.
- Access to statistical documents.
- Possibilty to sale of members' products and services at Turisme de Barcelona's bcnshop.
Contact Barcelona Pirineus