The certification is promoted by Turisme de Barcelona and Barcelona City Council.
You will find more information about Sustainable Barcelona here.
You can also see the measures implemented by Turisme de Barcelona within the framework of corporate social responsibility in the leaftlet Turisme de Barcelona: comitted to sustainability.
About us

We are a Turisme de Barcelona programme that promotes sustainable and responsible tourism in the city.
Sustainability questionnaire

Does your company respond to the axes of sustainable tourism: social, environmental, cultural heritage or accessibility?
In this link, you will find a brief questionnaire to assess how the company stands in relation to the different axes of sustainability.
Members of the programme

Group of Barcelona enterprises that are committed to the enjoyment of the city in a sustainable way.
Directory of sustainable businesses

Are you looking to improve your energy policy, to organise more sustainable visits, professionals who will help you in the everyday running of your business? Ideas to help you be more accessible? This page features a directory of businesses that meet sustainability criteria.